Weleda Baby Calendula Nourishing Body Cream, 2.5 Fluid Ounce, Plant Rich Moisturizer with Calendula and Lanolin


(13 customer reviews)
Weleda Baby Calendula Nourishing Body Cream, 2.5 Fluid Ounce, Plant Rich Moisturizer with Calendula and Lanolin $9.60
SKU: 6896FD19 Category: Tag:
  • Contains 1- 2.5 Fluid Ounce Tube of Weleda Baby Calendula Nourishing Body Cream
  • Soothe baby’s skin with with extracts of calendula and a light blend of nourishing oils. This rich, nourishing skin cream keeps skin soft and smooth
  • Nurture and support baby’s skin with this rich cream, which gently calms dryness on delicate skin
  • Our products are free from synthetic compounds or toxic chemicals. Instead, we use flower, fruit and root extracts, minerals and essential oils, each one carefully selected and orchestrated to work with your body’s own systems
  • Nourish pure and sensitive skin with the best ingredients from nature. Experience our full range of plant-rich baby care, crafted for baby’s delicate skin

13 reviews for Weleda Baby Calendula Nourishing Body Cream, 2.5 Fluid Ounce, Plant Rich Moisturizer with Calendula and Lanolin

  1. stephanie G.

    La crema es genial, hidrata la piel de mi bebé aunque es un poco densa

  2. Lidia Cordon

    The lotion is small but it does moisturizer your skin however, to my point of view, the smell isnt very pleasant. I bought it for my son but I dislike the smell.

  3. Amazon Customer

    I love how only natural ingredients are in this product. I feel safe putting it on my baby. It smells wonderful too!

  4. Alejanndro

    Is so efective

  5. Stella Rogan

    Mildly medicinal smell, but not unpleasant. It’s quite thick but much easier to rub into my skin than I thought it would be, having read reviews which said it was difficult. It didn’t drag my skin, although I did apply it in little dots. I bought it because my outer ear itches because of dry skin and ends up with sores. The ingredients, all plant-based are historically particularly good for that sort of wound, and i remember how good calendular was when my babies had nappy rash many years ago, so I’m very hopeful.


    Someone else claims that it had a bad smell and is OILY? What product are they speaking of??? I Just found this product and its LITERALLY the ONLY thing that fixed a decade-plus old severe skin problem on my freinds face!! The 1st thing we noticed (even before quickly noticing that it had provided immediate substantial improvement to the problem) was ACTUALLY that it AMAZINGLY gives skin an immediate thick feeling protection which is hard to describe, YET DOES NOT stay OILY it literally completely DISAPPEARS completely within only 5 to 10 SECONDS!! It never is oily – it goes on like lotion and then disappears faster than any lotion you ever saw!! MATTER OF FACT I JUST PURCHASED 8 TUBES on AMAZON AFTER OVER PAYING FOR 2 TUBES LOCALLY…FINDING THIS PRODUCT WAS ACCIDENTAL – A VERY NICE SURPRISE – NOW WE BOTH USE IT AND FRIENDS PROBLEM IS LITERALLY NOW 100% VANISHED AFTER 3 WEEKS OF USE!! CALENDULA IS AMAZING!! WHATEVER THIS PRODUCT IS, IT IS AMAZING!! IT HAS NO OFFENSIVE INGREDIENTS, BUT ALCOHOL IS AN INGREDIENT – AND IM THE PERSON WHO HAS ALWAYS AVOIDED ALCOHOL IN SKIN CARE BUT THIS PRODUCT IS SO OPPOSITE OF DRYING IN EFFECT THAT I HAVE NOW DECIDED THAT I OBVIOUSLY DONT UNDERSTAND ALCOHOL AS WELL AS I THOUGHT I DID BECAUSE THIS PRODUCT IS ABSOLUTELY EXCEPTIONAL IN ITS HYDRATING PROPERTIES… SITTING AROUND WITH OIL ON YOUR FACE ALL DAY DOESNT MOISTURIZE AND CALM SKIN EVEN 5% AS MUCH AS THIS DOES!! USE THIS AS MANY TIMES PER DAY AS YOU WANT OR CAN AS IT DOESNT TAKE MORE THAN A FEW SECONDS TO COMPLETLEY DISAPPEAR!! Then use an oil ONCE IN A WHILE like every few days or once per day at most but careful might want to use almond oil as many oils including Extra Virgin Coconut are clogging (look up the word Comedogenic)and sometimes even can be irritating especially when your skin is already stressed out…and be sure to hydrate skin directly with water too, ideally multiple times per day… THE REASON I DECIDED TO USE THIS PRODUCT BESIDES SEEING WHAT IT DID FOR MY ASSOCIATE IS THAT IS GIVES SKIN THICK PROTECTION AS IN BETTER THAN ANY OTHER LOTION OR OIL I EVER TRIED YET THIS WELEDA CALENDULA (aka MARIGOLD) BABY BODY CREAM SOMEHOW LEAVES YOUR SKIN FEELING COMPLETELY DRY AND NOT GREASY OR OILY WITHIN LITERALLY SECONDS NO MATTER HOW OFTEN OR GENEROUSLY YOU APPLY IT !!!! Found this product by ‘accident’ after trying around 50 other products & oils over about 15 years. Search is finally over!! AND I WISH IT HAD A SAFETY SEAL AS WELEDA WOULD GET MORE CUSTOMERS AS CERTAINLY THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WONT USE IT WITHOUT A SEAL, BUT IT WORKS BETTER ON THE LIPS THAN ANY CHAPSTICK EVER. CHAPSTICK IS GOOD ON TOP THOUGH TO KEEP THIS SEALED INTO LIPS THOUGH ESPECIALLY IF YOUR GOING OUTSIDE OR HAVE LOW HUMIDITY INDOORS OVER THE WINTER ETC)

  7. Dominique

    This is a must have cream. For any body rush. It’s amazing how it works and my baby likes it

  8. Flores

    My 3 month old baby had a really bad eczema, I was suffering trying differents cream and organic and non organic brands, unfortunately his skin was so bad that I had to use hydrocortisone for a few day to control the inflammation, the relief was almost immediately but after a few day his skin started to peel and feel even more dry. I was afraid that the eczema will come back because his skin was scaly and super dry so I decide to try this cream. I would say this is a great relief because keep my baby skin moisterized and with all natural ingredients. When I see that his skin starts to get irritated again I put a lot of this cream and in a few hours looks normal again. If you are a mom with a child suffering eczema you now how it feels to see your baby with this horrible skin problem. The key is to keep it moisterized and Weleda has definitely all my trust because it works with my baby. I thought if I’m going to be putting tons of creams on my baby’s skin i want something that is 100% natural and with not artificial ingredients so Um glad I try this cream. I totally recommend it

  9. Wolf

    Diese Creme hat mich auf ganzer Linie überzeugt und ist zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil meiner täglichen Hautpflege geworden.

    Die Verwendung von Bio-Zutaten ist für mich ein großer Pluspunkt. Es ist beruhigend zu wissen, dass die Inhaltsstoffe natürlichen Ursprungs sind und keine schädlichen Chemikalien enthalten. Die Calendula, auch Ringelblume genannt, ist bekannt für ihre hautberuhigenden und feuchtigkeitsspendenden Eigenschaften.

    Die Vielseitigkeit dieser Creme ist beeindruckend. Ich nutze sie sowohl für meinen Körper als auch für mein Gesicht, und sie erfüllt beide Aufgaben hervorragend. Sie zieht schnell ein, ohne einen fettigen Rückstand zu hinterlassen, was besonders wichtig für mein Gesicht ist.

    Die Pflegewirkung der Creme ist spürbar. Meine Haut fühlt sich nach der Anwendung glatt, geschmeidig und hydratisiert an. Ich habe bemerkt, dass sie dazu beiträgt, Trockenheit und Rauheit zu reduzieren, insbesondere in den kalten Wintermonaten.

    Der dezente Duft der Calendula ist angenehm und nicht überwältigend. Ich schätze es, dass die Creme nicht stark parfümiert ist, da ich empfindlich auf stark duftende Produkte reagiere.

    Die Verpackung ist praktisch und hygienisch. Die Tube ermöglicht eine saubere Dosierung und verhindert die Verschwendung von Produkt.

    Alles in allem hat mich die Bio Calendula Pflegecreme Körper & Gesicht vollkommen überzeugt. Die Qualität der Inhaltsstoffe, die Pflegewirkung und die Vielseitigkeit machen sie zu einer erstklassigen Wahl für meine tägliche Hautpflege. Ich gebe dieser Creme eine uneingeschränkte 5-Sterne-Bewertung und werde sie definitiv weiterhin verwenden.

  10. Alex Ducrey


  11. Teesha

    Will only use this on my babies, fights rashes fast

  12. Shoshoni

    Great company and awesome products. I was looking to replace lotion from J&J that I no longer believe in (my opinion, the company is a fail with their practices & questionable ingredients). When I searched for organic lotion … voila! Weleda popped up. I have used Weleda products in the past and have been happy with the results, so I ordered three. This way I could try out which one would be suited for what. I will post this review on all three lotion/creams.

    Weleda Citrus Hydrating Body Lotion 6.8oz (label says Refreshing Body Lotion) – it’s amazing! It’s super light, a little goes a long way, has a wonderful citrus scent that also very light. I decided to keep this one at my desk. The pump dispenses the perfect amount and you only need a little bit. Lotion smooths on easily and absorbs into the skin nicely. This helps with all the hand washing and sanitizing, while using keyboard and shuffling paperwork. Even though it’s thin and light to apply, an hour later my skin still feels hydrated but no coating and does not feel greasy. A+ I would also say this would be a luscious after bathing application to wrap your skin with some heavenly loving.

    Weleda Nourishing Body Cream baby (2.5oz orange tube) – this cream is nice and greasy, smooths on with easy and lasts all day. I put it on my face and I love how it feels. In the evening it was still feeling soft and moisturized. Might not be the best on hands as it did track oils for a while. But this is how I like my facial cream, goes on super easy because it glides.

    Weleda Skin Food (green tube) – The skin food, is just that! It’s very stiff and very little is needed. Super yummy on the skin. I put it on the back of my hand when I first received package and it felt amazing. I put it on my face this morning, it takes some smoothing to get it everywhere. Even though it has oils, it is more solid and less gliding. But 4 hours later my skin feels just as soft and moisturized, normally it feels dry by now. I really like both the baby cream and this skin food … tomorrow I might put a little of each together and use on my face to get the benefits of the easy application of the baby cream as well as the nourishing from this one … it all boils down to personal preference and application site.

    Each has a light scent, which flies after a short amount of time. Even the body lotion I am using on my hands … no scent detected after a while. I have washed my hands recently and do not yet feel the need to reapply lotion.

    Loving each of these for specific reasons, all have organic ingredients and thus not putting questionable chemicals onto the largest organ of the body. Just one more thing as I continue to detox the unwanted elements that I have control over. I will be ordering more of these reviewed above … work, home, car etc.

  13. Amazon Customer

    The texture of this lotion is super weird and leaves babies skin feeling all sticky along with my hands. Don’t buy

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