InstaNatural Retinol Serum for Face, 2.5% Retinol Bakuchiol, Minimizes Lines, Wrinkles, Discoloration and Signs of Aging, with Hyaluronic Acid and Squalane, 1 Fl Oz


(8 customer reviews)
InstaNatural Retinol Serum for Face, 2.5% Retinol Bakuchiol, Minimizes Lines, Wrinkles, Discoloration and Signs of Aging, with Hyaluronic Acid and Squalane, 1 Fl Oz $19.70
SKU: 632AD06B Category: Tag:
  • Smooths, Soothes and Brightens: Our 2.5% Retinol Bakuchiol Facial Serum provides targeted results against signs of aging, wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration and enlarged pores
  • Clean Skincare that Works: This nourishing serum combines Retinol and Bakuchiol to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles while Hyaluronic Acid hydrates and nourishes for a radiant complexion
  • Your Skincare Routine, Powered by Vitamin C: Pair our serum with our Glycolic Cleanser, Glycolic AHA Toner and Retinol Moisturizer for an effective skincare regimen
  • Core Clean Promise: We are committed to creating skincare products formulated without potentially harmful ingredients, showing the world how effective natural beauty products can be
  • Great for Normal to Dry Skin: Our Retinol Bakuchiol Serum deeply hydrates, perfect for those with dry skin. For a limited time, you may receive either dropper or pump bottle packaging

Additional information

Product Dimensions

4.3 x 1.5 x 1.5 inches, 1 ounces

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8 reviews for InstaNatural Retinol Serum for Face, 2.5% Retinol Bakuchiol, Minimizes Lines, Wrinkles, Discoloration and Signs of Aging, with Hyaluronic Acid and Squalane, 1 Fl Oz

  1. Viviana

    Tengo la piel mixta y ni este ni la crema de día me gustaron. Se sienten súper grasosos y parece que la piel no lo absorbe bien.

    Tienen un olor curioso pero nada que me molestara.
    Tuve que dejar de usarlos porque la hidratación y textura de mi piel estaba cambiando para mal

  2. American Patriot

    I’ve been using the Vitamin C & Retinol Serums the Retinol Moisturizer and the Vitamin C Cleanser since January 2018. I am iNsAnE about these products!

    I am 54 and according to my husband (who also uses the same products and looks FABULOUSLY younger) now look 44. My skin is smoother, brighter, tighter and fresher looking!

    I wash with the Vitamin C cleanser in the morning and then apply the Vitamin C serum. I use it all over my neck (including the sides), my chest and tops of my shoulders. At night I wash again with the cleanser and apply the Retinol serum the same way and once it dries I apply the Retinol moisturizer. I only use the moisturizer maybe twice per week at night because honestly, the wash and the serums alone have done so much for my complexion I don’t feel I really need it every night.

    I would like to add a little background on myself and how I came to use these products…2 years ago I started following The Primal Blueprint because I wasn’t taking care of myself like I should have. I was always very thin (5′ 7″ and around 120 lbs.) but started eating all the wrong foods and skyrocketed to 154 lbs. I felt horrible about myself. My skin was looking awful and I felt I was aging way before my time.

    Years of being a sun lover was starting to show in a really bad way with deep lines down the center of my chest and I was always really red (which I later learned was due to inflammation from eating all the wrong foods) on my chest and neck area. My face was looking old, my hair was looking bad and I just felt all around crappy about myself.

    So I knew I needed to make some changes, fast! I searched for an answer and came across Mark Sisson and his Primal Blueprint.

    I purchased several of his cookbooks and 1 week later I went Primal. I purged my kitchen cabinets of $200 worth of groceries I had just purchased and started my new life. Long story short, I lost 36 lbs. in about 5 months and now weigh 119 lbs. Instead of junior’s size L/XL (size 14-16) I wear juniors size XS (0-2)! The transformation not only in my weight/size but overall general appearance is REMARKABLE!

    Every wrinkle on my chest, sides of my neck and tops of my shoulders, from sun damage, DISAPPEARED because the thickness of my skin has completely changed with the loss of so much fat. Along with the fat went the ugly sun damage/deep wrinkles!

    The skin over my entire body has completely changed from dry in some areas, oily in others, wrinkly, sun damaged, ruddy, thick and inflamed to baby smooth from top to bottom and sun damage free! It’s truly astounding what a change in diet can do for your skin and overall appearance!

    As for my hair? When I started the Primal way of life my hair was dull and lifeless and WAS NOT GROWING AT ALL! It was several inches above my shoulders and now it’s growing like crazy and is almost down to the middle of my bad. Not only does it grow like crazy but it’s thicker and shinier and sheds 99% less.

    I should add that along with the Primal way of life for 2 years I have also been taking Brain Power Omega-3 Fish Oil for 2 years which I purchase every 90 days here on Amazon and believe much of my overall improvements are a direct result. Living a natural and organic lifestyle has done more for me than I could ever write about here. It was THE BEST THING I have ever done for myself. Everything in my life is organic down to my mascara, the products I clean with and even my mattress! I was just missing one thing….a natural/organic skincare regimen. The one final thing to take the improvements in my skin and make them even better!

    So here I am reviewing these InstaNatural products which I have to say have only added to and enhanced the wonderful changes that had already taken place in my life.

    I research EVERYTHING I purchase now and have become a serious ingredients label reader. It’s incredibly time consuming but in the end it’s worth it. I looked at numerous natural skin care lines here on Amazon and in the end I chose InstaNaturals. After using these products for only 2 months, the improvements in my complexion are SO INCREDIBLE & SO OBVIOUS, I will NEVER use anything else! ( ( I pray they never stop making this stuff).

    My husband tells me at least 10x a day how great I look and how I have reversed my age and how he can’t believe the changes but the other day he said something that I will never forget. He looked at me and said…”You look so good you’re actually starting to scare me!”

    Ladies, if you’re thinking about purchasing a new skin care regimen, STOP HERE and try InstaNatural’s line of Vitamin C and Retinol. I promise you will not regret it but I need to reiterate that, for me personally, my skin and overall appearance improvements have only improved because of a combination of things. I believe that had I started using this skin care line back when I was eating a horrible diet, it would not have made a difference in my face.

    You must take care of yourself all around, not just the outside, and that means eating the right foods. Stop putting poisons in your body with the foods you eat. Put the right things in your body and the results will show on the outside. Once you do that, everything you add to your exterior will only enhance your overall health. An overall healthy appearance starts from the inside NOT with what you put on your face!

    I will purchase these InstaNatural products for life. In fact, Because I use these products on my neck, chest and shoulder as well as my face I will probably reorder more frequently. It is money very well spent. So THANK YOU INSTANATURALS for the MOST AMAZING products ever! I love you but most importantly I love me!

  3. Alena

    Work amazing and good price!

  4. Cliente Amazon

    aun llevo poco tiempo usando las dos cremas tanto Retinol como contorno de ojos pero puedo dar cierta opinión.

    Creo que la crema Retinol a primera vista y según la vas extendiendo por la cara parece que va a dejar residuo y va a ser aceitosa, pero la realidad es que luego se absorbe perfectamente.

    En cuanto a la crema de ojos, es ligera, cunde muchísimo y de primeras da sensación de frescor.

  5. Alpana U.

    It’s good

  6. parisienne

    J’ai commandé et utilisé en même temps ces 5 produits Insta Natural, il m’est donc impossible de donner un avis personnalisé pour chaque produit.

    Crème Hydratante à la Vit C ( matin)
    Sérum Acide Hyaluronique (matin)
    Crème Fluide Hyper Hydratante Rétinol (soir)
    Serum Retinol( soir)
    Sérum pour les yeux (matin et soir).

    Point positif : présentation en flacon Airless pour les crèmes préservant une hygiène absolue.
    Le fait de respecter le conseil de garder au réfrigérateur les produits est peut-être moins pratique que de les avoir sous la main dans la salle de bains mais il faut reconnaître qu’ils se conservent ainsi très bien hors chaleur et humidité. De plus, la sensation de “froid” sur la peau est vraiment très agréable.

    J’ai une peau très sèche et pas forcément compatible avec tous les ingrédients. Les produits InstaNaturel m’ont procuré un grand confort et aucune réaction. Très bonne tolérance.

    Les résultats ???? Après deux mois et demi d’utilisation quotidienne.

    Sachons rester raisonnable dans nos exigences.

    Pour les 20-30 ans : en principe (sauf si maladies ou problèmes exceptionnels) il n’y a rien à combler et à remonter mais à retarder les effets du temps !
    Pour celles dont les décennies se sont empilées : les comblements et remontées spectaculaires resteront de l’utopie : sinon il n’y aurait pas de chirurgiens plasticiens !

    Appartenant à la deuxième catégorie : grand confort et une impression de peau reposée et hydratée, plus rebondie, sillons et rides nettement moins marqués. Que demander de plus ?

    Oui je rachèterai ces produits et essaierai les autres InstaNatural.

  7. C. Arnold

    No one paid or offered any discount for any of my opinions and I have turned down offers.

    I have only had this product for three days and as a moisturizer alone I give it two thumbs up. I am 59 and never really needed something like this until the last two years when dry days would cause the skin on,my knuckles to crack. Which is about where I was last week. In three days of twice a day use it reversed the process and my callouses are softening. I have been using a brand name “skin relief” hand cream and hyaluronic acid three four times a day and just keeping the skin from opening up. I stopped all that to try this. The redness in those areas is now fading as well. But should I really be surprised as the primary ingredient is aloe.

    I have used a spray-on Hyaluronic acid that I liked the feel it left behind but it is not an efficient means of delivery. This is! I compared the two and the after drying they feel identical; smooth and hydrated. But this keeps he skin hydrated longer with the added sunflower oil, shea butter and jojoba oil. I love the feel so much it begs me to put it everywhere. Interestingly though what drew me to this product originally was the retinol. Obviously I have not had time to really assess this yet so I will have to write more later. But with twice a day use I think I am feeling it again. Let me explain.

    Five months ago I started using a retinol product on my face and though it had a decent effect on my complexion and some minor thinning of lines. I tried another product and the last month with it was not good in the facial area. I felt things were going backwards and jumped at this as my next purchase. I had intended to continue using the other product in the extremities but now I am not so sure. Time will tell but so far if moisturizing is all I get out of this I will be getting it again and might even make it a christmas gift. If using this twice a day on my face results in better or equal to my original retinol product then this is a homerun. If that is true then as a maintenance program this would be a good once a day solution.

  8. Dolores

    Potrei dirvi che questa è una crema dall’ottimo INCI, ricca di ingredienti naturali come l’estratto di Aloe, il tè verde, l’olio di jojoba…, le vitamine (A,C), l’acido ialuronico… e che, proprio grazie alla sua composizione, ha un sacco di proprietà benefiche per la pelle: nutre, idrata, protegge, ha un’azione antiage, schiarente….
    Ma non direi niente di nuovo visto che ingredienti e funzioni sono spiegati benissimo nella presentazione del prodotto…

    Che dire allora? Che l’ho provata subito dopo il siero che uso come base; la crema è corposa ma non pesante, ha una buona consistenza e si stende bene , non ne occorre una grande quantità… da subito la pelle si presenta morbidissima e ben idratata, non tira ma nello stesso tempo non presenta “l’effetto lucido”, è ben nutrita ma non appesantita.

    Personalmente non credo alle creme miracolose, quelle che…. spianano le rughe, cancellano le macchie, ti ridonano una pelle da adolescente (ma senza brufoli!), non mi aspetto mai da un prodotto “effetti speciali” mirabolanti, però credo che con l’uso, costante e paziente, di buoni cosmetici, meglio se più naturali possibili, si possa rallentare e contrastare un po’ gli effetti che gli agenti atmosferici e l’inesorabile passare del tempo lasciano sul nostro viso e sul nostro corpo.

    Ecco, mi sembra che questa crema sia una “coccola” da concederci per prendersi cura della nostra pelle…niente miracoli ma… buona cura quotidiana.

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