Nose Wax Kit, 100 g Wax, 30 Applicators, 15-20 Uses. Nose & Ear Hair Removal for Men and Women- Safe, Easy, Quick & Painless Hair Remover


(6 customer reviews)
Nose Wax Kit, 100 g Wax, 30 Applicators, 15-20 Uses. Nose & Ear Hair Removal for Men and Women- Safe, Easy, Quick & Painless Hair Remover $12.80
SKU: 35444DB2 Category: Tag:
  • ☆ FAST & PAINLESS☆ 9.8 out of 10 people find nostril waxing is basically painless​, than plucking and more effective -NO MORE EXPENSIVE SALON VISITS!
  • ☆ THE APPLICATION IS QUICK AND EASY☆ Heat the desired amount of wax in the cup in the microwave until it thickens(15 to 25g beads).NO MICROWAVE REQUIRED: The wax beans can also be heated in hot water. 80-100 degrees for 2 to 3 minutes ( 5 to10g beads)
  • ☆ THE BEST THING IS☆ Nasal ear hair is removed with the root and grows back silkily up to ​four and six weeks later-Regrowth is thinner and less bushy
  • ☆ ADVANTAGE☆ The main advantage of an nose hair waxing kit is that you only need to do it once a month or so. If you use a trimmer to trim your nasal, you must use it every 3-5 days.
  • ☆ SPECIALLY FORMULATED NASAL WAX BEANS☆ 100g / 3.52 oz of hypo-allergenic hard wax beads for removing unwanted nose hairs for all skin types
  • ☆ NOSTRIL WAXING APPLICATORS☆ 30 hair removal sticks, ensures that you only get as far into your nose / ears as you actually intended. Nose ear hair wax kit includes: 100g wax beads, 10 moustache protectors, 30 applicators, 10 paper cups & 1 measuring cup

6 reviews for Nose Wax Kit, 100 g Wax, 30 Applicators, 15-20 Uses. Nose & Ear Hair Removal for Men and Women- Safe, Easy, Quick & Painless Hair Remover

  1. Clay

    Easy to use and the guys in my house say it works great. No pain at all!

  2. Jim

    As of late, I’ve been annoyed by a persistent tickle in my nostrils. Nothing overwhelming, just a constantly irritating low-level *eeeee* that would happen whenever I exhaled nasally. So I was forever scratching. Sneezing. And sniffling. I looked like I was on something, or trying to surreptitiously mine for nose-nuggets. And since I’m a fur-bearing mammal, I typically chalked it up to errant nose-hairs I couldn’t much see or really even reach.

    So, whenever it got particularly irritating, I would regularly use the nose- and ear-hair attachment on my beard trimmer to go after the issue. That worked okay, but it was mostly a stopgap. And even if I managed to knock back the hair (or hairs) that were irritating me at the time, there were always others. And they’d always grow back.

    Sometimes — if I got really ambitious — I would angrily grab some tweezers and hit the bathroom mirror to see if I couldn’t *YOINK* out the offending hairs by their very roots. But that wasn’t a perfect solution either. Sometimes it would help for awhile, but it never quite took care of the problem.

    For one, you can’t SEE inside your nose no matter how much you contort yourself in front of the mirror. So you just have to shove the tweezers up there, grab and pull, and hope for the best. And obviously, even if you get a few out, you’re dealing with watery eyes, sneezing and faucet-snot after like the second or third snout-spelunk.

    Then I saw someone on TikTok using a nostril-waxing kit. I was intrigued, to say the least. So, I picked up this kit.

    I was a little apprehensive at first. I mean, if pulling out ONE nose-hair was a recipe for instant sneezing and watery eyes, would I be able to handle doing a full nostril’s worth all at once without my entire head turning into a big, puffy, juice-dripping cantaloupe?

    I also didn’t know if it would work. Mainly, because the TikTok I saw was posted because it was a classic “fail” video. Someone had undertaken the instructions, but “lost” the wax plug in their nostril when they went to remove it. That didn’t sound awesome to me. But, I was annoyed enough that I determined the risk was worth taking.

    Anyway, this showed up yesterday. And I was so ready to be rid of the maddening internal nose-tickle that I opened it immediately.

    The first thing I was struck by was that it seemed a lot easier to use than I expected. It’s only like a five-and-a-half-step process. And the half-step would be optional for some; I only undertook it because I am a mustachioed fella.

    1.) Swab out your nostrils with a tissue to remove any residual booger-sauce that might make things any slipperier than they need to be.
    1b.) The optional step: if you’re a dude with facial hair (as I am), apply the jaunty and whimsical adhesive mustache-guard decal to your cookie duster to avoid accidentally applying wax to any hair you may want to keep.
    2.) Pour out enough wax beads to barely cover the bottom of a li’l paper cup that’s roughly the same size as the ones you might put ketchup in at a diner.
    3.) Measure out 20ml of water into the included plastic measuring cup, put the paper one full of wax beads in the cup on top of it, and microwave it for 90 seconds.
    4.) When it’s done, get two of the wax sticks, and swirl them around in the melted wax enough to get a “plug” on the end. Then while it’s still warm, corkscrew ’em into your nostrils to just past the little flange on the bottom.
    5.) Wait two minutes, grimace, then yank ’em out like you’re trying to pull-start a lawnmower.

    It’s that last one I was most worried about. Obviously, waxing ANY hair off of your body only works if you’re willing to endure a little discomfort. So imagine my surprise when it wound up being the easiest step in the process.

    Now, I’m not saying it was COMFY. It was sort of like ripping a Band-Aid off of a hairy arm, or pulling a Bioré strip from the bridge of your nose. You want to do it quickly, and I did. But I was a little surprised at how painful it WASN’T. It was honestly no big deal. Nothing like I’d feared. And I didn’t even sneeze or tear up, which really shocked me.

    And the INSTANT I took a breath after it was out? Dear gods. It was like the clouds parted and angels were singing. Immediate relief. The never-ending, infuriating tickle was just GONE.

    So I tenderly probed my nostril with the tip of a curious pinky. And that thing was like SILK. There wasn’t a single hair left in there that I could detect. It was a very weird sensation, but undeniably pleasant.

    Which made sense once I looked at the wax stick. Imagine…a blanched porcupine with mild alopecia. Or a bottle-brush near the end of its life. The wax plug had grabbed, held onto, and then unceremoniously uprooted every single strand of hair that had previously plagued me. From the top inside corner that I could see but never QUITE get with the trimmer, all the way to the deep ones that I could occasionally tweeze out, but never really get all of. There they were. Out. All staring back at me like, “What the ****, bro?!? Why?!?” But they knew why. They had it coming.

    Overall, the general feeling in that nostril from the INSIDE of my body was something akin to like when you’re wearing a really uncomfortable pair of shoes all day, and you can finally get home, sit down, and take them off.

    So, encouraged, I yoinked the other one almost immediately. Same sensation. About a sixteenth of a second of “Oof”, followed immediately by intense relief, and a baby-booty smooth cavity that instantly felt like an unclogged drain free to flow unencumbered once again. Bliss.

    Even better? I woke up this morning without one or both of my nasal passages feeling as though someone had filled them with concrete while I was sleeping. THAT hasn’t happened in AWHILE. It may be unrelated, but I doubt it.

    So, ultimately — while I’m not saying that going scorched-earth on your nostrils with hot wax is necessarily an experience EVERYONE needs to have, it’s been kind of a game-changer for yours truly. And if you deal with irritating levels snout-wool like I do, this is a solution that works exactly as advertised.

    Go forth, and breathe freely.

  3. Jeramy C

    A couple of years ago, a friend of mine, a very experienced aesthetician, used wax to remove my nose hair. If you have ever pulled just one hair out from a nostril, you can fully appreciate how painful a single hair is. As my friend grabbed the wax stick, I braced myself from The imagined extreme pain I was about to feel. To my surprise, it was nothing.

    I was thrilled to find this kit. While many salons offer waxing services, certainly, the ability to do it at home was very appealing and clearly a cost-saving product. I was slightly skeptical in that I thought that perhaps doing it myself may not yield the same results as having it done in a salon. However, the process was pretty easy, and although it took a couple of attempts to sort of figure it out, I did a pretty nice job, and I’m happy with the results. Here’s a couple of things that I learned from my experience that may provide some support to others:

    First, as others have suggested, I encourage you to read the instructions a couple of times. The process is straightforward, and I believe there are just five steps in the instructions. Some of the reviews have noted a couple of less than desirable; I suspect this is often the result of not correctly using or heating the product.

    I heated the wax in two different ways. For the first use, I added the suggested amount of wax beads to a paper cup. I boiled some water in the microwave, poured about 80 mL to the cop, and then set the paper cup containing the wax beads onto the top. This took a little time to melt, but the beads meltdown in a couple of minutes from setting just on top of the boiling water. This process seems to work fine; overall, it probably took 3 to 4 minutes to make sure the beads were fully melted, and I had to use the applicator sticks to stir it up. Well, this process seems to do a pretty good job; the wax is very gooey and will stick to pretty much everything, including the applicator stick; next time, I may use something else to serve the wax product up thoroughly before the applicator is I got much wax on the bottom and all around the applicator stick; you want to avoid having much excess under and around other areas of the stick.

    The second time I heated wax, Are used the microwave heating instructions. It only takes about a minute to hit the wax, be mindful it is extremely hot when you pull it out of the microwave. This process is much quicker, and the wax was much more liquid. However, the wax is also scalding at this point, and you have to give it a few seconds to cool down just a bit.

    Overall, I would say either of the heating processes are fine; just let it cool for a few seconds if you’re going to heat it in the microwave. Also, some reviews noted melting the cob in the microwave and some other problems. My take is this: you’re literally heating this for 30 to 60 seconds in the microwave. It may be helpful to watch it while it’s in the microwave and perhaps an error on the conservative side instead of superheating water and wax in your microwave.

    I would say overall that there is a small learning curve with using this product. I actually use three applications in one nostril, and two applications in the other nostril the first use. The first time I did each nostril, I did an OK job; I think the wax quantity on my applicator was slightly on the low side. I was able to pull out some of the hairs but also missed several. The Is to dip the applicator in and kind of roll it to build up a nice big dollop of wax on the applicator’s end. There is a small diagram on the instructions, and some notation not to do too much or too little, but I would say error on the user more side is better than not enough. The other issue that I noticed the first time or two was that because I didn’t have enough wax on my applicator, I could not fill the cavity around my nostril and missed a few hairs. It will take a little bit of practice to build up the wax on the applicator.

    Overall, I think it is a really great product that is easy to use and certainly solves a problem that is a bit on the disgusting side, and a true annoyance. In my case, I had to use a few extra applicators to practice a little bit, so I may not get 12 four uses out of the kit. Still, For the price, even if you have to practice a couple of times you’ll certainly save money in the long run and spend just a couple of minutes clearing out those annoying nose hairs.

  4. alyssa

    Let me tell you, this is one of those things that works so great you’ll wonder what you were doing with your life beforehand. This has become a routine for my husband and I and it’s hilarious, terrifying and satisfying every time. The second it’s pulled you’ll probably have a mix of remorse and impending doom, but once that quickly fades you’ll be able to smell the roses like never before. Then comes the fascination/ disgust of seeing what was living in the depths of your face and wondering how it could even be possible. It’s really a rollercoaster of emotions and thought processes, but once it’s done you’ll never go back to the hairy life again.

  5. amanda

    As you can see from my picture, it works!
    Unfortunately, I didn’t do a second nostril because the pain was unbelievable! Also, had to take a small scissor and cut the residual wax out of my nose. Might try again some night after I’ve had some “liquid courage”. Maybe I’ll save it for the loser at game night.😂

  6. amanda

    So much better than those electric nose trimmers, first time in my life my nostrils are completely hair free and it feels amazing. Very easy to use, I used the microwave method and it worked great.

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