TAN-LUXE The Face – Illuminating Self-Tan Drops to Create Your Own Self Tanner, Cruelty & Toxin Free


(13 customer reviews)
TAN-LUXE The Face - Illuminating Self-Tan Drops to Create Your Own Self Tanner, Cruelty & Toxin Free $20.00
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Additional information

Product Dimensions

0.91 x 0.91 x 3.23 inches, 2.12 ounces

Item model number




Country of Origin

United Kingdom

13 reviews for TAN-LUXE The Face – Illuminating Self-Tan Drops to Create Your Own Self Tanner, Cruelty & Toxin Free

  1. Lori

    It is best to mix this product with some facial moisturizer and be sure to apply it evenly. It can leave an orange tint and be streaky if applied straight to the face. I brushed my teeth after applying this and wiped off enough around my mouth that I ended up with a white ring around my lips. lol

    I was able to fix it by carefully applying more product and then using makeup to even it out. It seemed to last a few days before needing more.

  2. carol cavenaugh

    I have tried so many face tanners. All either were on the orange side or left my nose pores black. I tried this last night. I have a light olive complexion and no tan at all. I mixed 4 drops of my night recovery oil with two drops of tan-lux. I exfoliated my face, then applied, washed my hands and woke up this morning SO happy. Just a slight tan with a lovely glow. Nothing on my pillow. It’s perfect. Trying to decide if I should do it again tonight or wait a few days. This ws worth every penny. Many reviews talked about the bottle being broken. It is glass but comes in a great cardboard container. I left it in the container.

  3. KarenT

    I’ve used other tanning drops that broke me out on the face, but these have been great and I’ve had no breakouts or issues from them, using it for ~2 years now. I have a fairly light skin tone, so using about 2 drops in my lotion usually works well for me. Doesn’t leave an orange cast and looks really natural! Lasts at least a few days.

  4. Marion

    Ich habe mich auf Grund der guten Rezensionen für dieses Produkt entschieden! Da ich meine Bräune aus dem Urlaub erhalten mag, da ich etwas bräuner, vor allem im Gesicht viel gesünder aussehe, wollte ich dieses Produkt testen da ich die Haut nicht zu sehr der Sonne ausgesetzen möchte! Ich verwende seit Jahren die Produkte von Mellow Noir das meine Haut sooo toll verbessert hat und ich seither kein make up verwende! Ich habe ca 6 Tropfen mit meiner Pflege vermischt und auf das ganze Gesicht, Hals rundherum, Ohren und am Dekolleté aufgetragen und schon nach 2 maliger Anwendung eine tolle Bräune feststellen konnte! Trotz schwitzen bei den momentanen Temperaturen ist die Bräune gleichmäßig, keinesfalls gelb sondern wie von der Sonne geküsst! Ich nehme nach der Anwendung einen wattepad oder ein kleines Stück Waschlappen und fahre über den Haaransatz und die Augenbrauen, obwohl ich permanent make und an den Augenbrauen habe, zur Sicherheit und auf Grund dessen dass ich die Haare blond gefärbt habe! Bisher musste ich immer concealer auf Grund von starken Augenringen verwenden auch das fällt im Moment weg! Ich bin für den Moment sehr zufrieden und überlege das Produkt für den Körper zu kaufen, verwende derweil ein anderes Produkt mit dem ich zufrieden bin! Ich bin gespannt wie sich die Anwendung entwickelt wenn die ursprüngliche Bräune aus dem Urlaub abnimmt! Aber für den Moment würde ich das Produkt sehr weiter empfehlen! Rasche Lieferung und sichere Lieferung des Flacons in einem anderen Kartonflacon zur sicheren Aufbewahrung! Es wirkt sehr klein bin gespannt wielange ich damit auskommen werde! Kläre Kaufempfehlung von mir!

  5. Teresa Casselman

    The first time I used it, I got color. The color does not look fake, it doesn’t streak nor does the color transfer to my clothes or pillow. I will continue to use this product and I’m looking forward to getting the body tanner. When I first opened this package I was wondering how is that little bit going to give me the results I was wanting without costing my bank account. However, it takes a very small amount mixed with your moisturizer. It goes a long way.

  6. Riley Anderson

    Let’s be honest. There is not a single 5 star face tanner out there. HOWEVER. Tan Lux is the best one I have found. No orange at all. I use 2-3 drop is in my moisturizer daily and the difference is amazing. Can’t recommend this enough.

  7. michela

    Dona un colore dorato molto naturale, proprio come dopo una vacanza al mare.
    L’intensità del colore é modulabile a seconda della quantità delle gocce usate.
    Avendo scelto la versione piú scura con 8 gocce per viso, collo e décolleté (come consigliato sulla confezione) si ottiene un bel colore scuro. Usandone meno si adatta tranquillamente ad incarnati più chiari o al periodo invernale (quando un colore troppo scuro risulterebbe forse “stonato”).
    Secondo me non si avverte proprio la differenza con il colore dato dall’abbronzatura naturale conquistata al mare perché non ci sono tracce aranciate o giallognole tipiche di tanti autoabbronzanti. Perlomeno sulla mia pelle.
    Infine il fatto che si possa mischiare al proprio trattamento viso é, per me, un valore aggiunto perché mi permette di continuare ad usare come base il prodotto che ho scelto invece che sostituirlo in toto con un autoabbronzante che potrebbe non essere adatto alla mia pelle. E -visto che sono pochissime le creme che su di me non risultano troppo “pesanti” e non mi causano quindi brufoletti vari – per me questo è un aspetto imprescindibile: non mi azzardo più a comprare creme autoabbronzanti rischiando poi di non riuscire ad usarle!
    L’odore di autoabbronzante è presente se si usano molte gocce (non ha profumi aggiunti) ma davvero molto leggero e non persiste.
    Del resto non ho mai trovato un prodotto di questo tipo che ne fosse totalmente privo nonostante molte case lo dichiarino. Nemmeno quelli super profumati: basta una leggera sudata che il mio naso lo percepisce!
    In conclusione: si tratta del miglior autoabbronzante che ho provato. Lo riacquisterò, proverò anche la versione per il corpo e lo consiglio senza alcun dubbio.

  8. Crh

    Pleasant when first applied but when dried the famous self-tan smell takes over SIGNIFICANTLY – and cannot be washed off

  9. Amber L.

    I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if I purchased the wrong color. But I did take this mix it with my moisturizer and put it on my skin. I’ve waited about five hours now and I can see a slight color change, but I think I may have gotten, the shade to light. I’m going try it again with a bit more product mixed into the moisturizer and see if that makes a difference. If not, I’m not sure if this product is for me. Maybe on someone with very fair skin it would work better.

    Update: IT WORKS! warning it took overnight for the full color to come out (24 hrs) make sure you get your hairline and neck. It’s a very even color it looks very natural if I were to have gotten my hairline and below my jaw.

  10. cami byers

    This product works great for me. I added 2-3 drops to my moisturizer (added more moisturizer than normal) mixed well and put evenly on my face. I bought the medium/dark and it gives me that perfect sun kissed glow. I can probably use less next go around so it lasts longer. I used this at night so that I could see results the next morning. Perfect color for my medium olive skin!

  11. v.

    Just put a couple/few drops in your facial moisturizer and next day look like you were in sun!! Not orange, not at all. Can use on arms, legs… it’s really amazing.

  12. mark knight

    As a bloke, I was pretty sceptical, but the tanning beds can get pretty expensive. You could easily cut your tanning bed use in half by using this once a week, couple of drops. I wouldn’t use it without an actual tan, but over the top, a couple of drops is really impressive, especially for the price.

  13. Cham Nathalie

    Bon alors au début je mettais dans ma crème de jour… le résultat n’était pas là. Le mélange ne se faisait pas. Mais j aime ma crème.
    Du coup j ai dilué ce Sérum dans de l huile d’olive ! Le résultat est bluffant.
    J ai un petit pot à Sérum qui délivre également du goutte à goutte et c’est parfait. Les deux produits ensemble vont super bien.
    Je suis très satisfaite !

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